Sometimes all you need is love. That's what got my wife and I started on this journey of health and fitness. A love for feeling better about oneself, and the direction you are going in life. A love for others and a sincere desire to serve them. My wife and I invite you to join with us on that same journey we started 5 years ago. Starting Monday the 18th of January! Curious to learn more? Stay tuned website being posted shortly! #GeekFitness #GeekOutFitness #Gamer #FitnessCoach #ericburganfitness #Hello2016 #FindYourStride #FindYourInnerSuperhero #FitAndGeeky #FitGeek

2 Jan

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Sometimes all you need is love.  That's what got my wife and I started on this journey of health and fitness. A love for feeling better about oneself, and the direction you are going in life. A love for others and a sincere desire to serve them. My wife and I invite you to join with us on that same journey we started 5 years ago. Starting Monday the 18th of January! Curious to learn more? Stay tuned website being posted shortly! #GeekFitness #GeekOutFitness #Gamer #FitnessCoach #ericburganfitness #Hello2016 #FindYourStride #FindYourInnerSuperhero #FitAndGeeky #FitGeek

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