This morning we did a workout called Bulk Shoulders. The Arnold Presses and Side Laterals at the beginning kicked my booty…and they were the 1st move! Had a blast never the less. Megan (sister in law) and I are pushing toward our goals every morning. Hope you are reaching for yours. Let me know if I can help you in any way. #TeamPumpUp #TeamDreamBelieveSucceed #FreeFitnessCoach #IWannaHelpYou #StraightUpBadAss

21 Sep

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This morning we did a workout called Bulk Shoulders.  The Arnold Presses and Side Laterals at the beginning kicked my booty...and they were the 1st move!  Had a blast never the less.  Megan (sister in law) and I are pushing toward our goals every morning.  Hope you are reaching for yours.  Let me know if I can help you in any way. #TeamPumpUp #TeamDreamBelieveSucceed #FreeFitnessCoach #IWannaHelpYou #StraightUpBadAss

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