After a tough workout with the new @liift4 B4LIIFT4 videos, and a day of eating delicious food, it's necessary to feed the body something it craves. Superfoods, greens, and lean protein.I plan to really work on my nutrition, by focusing on the LIIFT4 nutrition plan, and recording my nutrition in MyFitnessPal.Come with me over the next 8 weeks. Let's find success together in an online accountability group! Are you ready to get started? #ItsMyTime #ericburganfitness #PickUpYourRuckAndFollowMe #iwannahelpyou #FindYourStride #battlebuddyfitness #virtualbattlebuddy #Army #ArmyCoach #Veteran #ArmyStrong #APFT #Military2Business #OnDemand #StrengthTraining #IAmTeamBeachbody #Shakeology #FitAndGeeky #Cybersecurity #CyberFit #superhero #superheros #AverageJoeToSuperhero #LIIFT4
5 Jul
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