Last lunch on the Ultimate Reset! Wowza. Edamame Seaweed deliciousness and a giant salad. I was thinking today as I enjoyed this meal, that when compared to others we have been eating more veggies in a day than most get in a whole week.It's no wonder our bodies have responded in healthy weight loss, no stomach bloat, better sleep, and so many more perks of resetting.Could you use something that is structured and effective to get back on the healthy track you have been craving? 🥔🥕🌶️🥒🌶️🥕🥔 #UltimateReset #HealthierDayByDay #ericburganfitness #iwannahelpyou #FindYourStride #battlebuddyfitness #virtualbattlebuddy #Army #ArmyCoach #Veteran #ArmyStrong #APFT #Military2Business #OnDemand #StrengthTraining #IAmTeamBeachbody #Shakeology #FitAndGeeky #Cybersecurity #CyberFit #superhero #superheros #AverageJoeToSuperhero
2 Apr
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