Love these stories! This is why I chose to become a coach. To empower others to care about their health and fitness. Jerry has done amazing in his journey, shared his story and Beachbody sent him a 500 dollar check. So you have a story to share. Join the challenge and share it! #InspireOthers #nevergiveupJerry W. lost 152 lbs with P90X3. 30 mins a day. "Life before I started this program was miserable! I had no life. I just went to the places that it was necessary for me to go. I held myself captive in my own house only to protect myself from the stares from people, the whispers, the comments, and that one look that says many things like: You are disgusting”, “How can you even move”, “Gross”, and “You are too fat”, just to name a few. The examples are endless. The thing is, those people were partially right. Sometimes, I felt like nothing would ever get better and that there was no need in my existence. My family and my beautiful daughter helped me through a lot and didn’t even realize that they were keeping me going. I used to ask myself, “If I didn’t like to look at my body, what do other people think about?” I got the answer to that question everyday!" ~Jerry
26 Sep
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