You know those days when you just don't want to workout, and you sit there on your phone, or fiddling with something… Yeah that was me this morning. Then I began, and I totally lost myself in my workout. Staying committed to my goals, focused on putting in the work. That was a Kickin' A workout. Thanks Sagi for putting together an awesome workout. #StillWorkedOut #TeamDreamBelieveSucceed #GeekOutFitness

29 May

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You know those days when you just don't want to workout,  and you sit there on your phone, or fiddling with something... Yeah that was me this morning. Then I began,  and I totally lost myself in my workout. Staying committed to my goals, focused on putting in the work.  That was a Kickin' A workout.  Thanks Sagi for putting together an awesome workout. #StillWorkedOut #TeamDreamBelieveSucceed #GeekOutFitness

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