#BirthdayWorkout Complete. This LIIFT4 workout plan has been a perfect fit for me.Shoulders and LIIFT Intervals freakn smoked me. Overall this morning was really rough for me…didnt sleep soundly or long enough. Got up for my alarm and was gonna reset it and sleep more, however my awesome wife encouraged me to get up and read my scriptures and prep for the day, then hit our workout. We finished later than usual but the box is checked and like always I don't regret it.Get up, stand up, shuffle to the door… Jump right out on the count of four. Go make your day great, look for a positive, and share it below when you see one.Until later.Coach B. ….#ericburganfitness #iwannahelpyou #FindYourStride #battlebuddyfitness #virtualbattlebuddy #Army #ArmyCoach #Veteran #ArmyStrong #APFT #Military2Business #OnDemand #StrengthTraining #IAmTeamBeachbody #Shakeology #FitAndGeeky #GeekFitness #GeeksWithGuns #GeekOutFitness #FitGeek #Cybersecurity #CyberFit #superhero #superheros #AverageJoeToSuperhero #LoseWeightNowAskMeHow #LIIFT4
26 Jul
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