Even on the road you have the ability to workout. Whether that's finding a free workout online or bringing your dvds, or finding a local gym to get it done. You must ask yourself, Am I committed to my goals, to my health, my fitness? We sabotage our self so often by saying, oh I am on vacation or its just a day. Those words derail so many. Don't let it happen to you. #ChoseToCcommit #TeamDreamBelieveSucceed

4 Jan

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Even on the road you have the ability to workout.  Whether that's finding a free workout online or bringing your dvds, or finding a local gym to get it done.  You must ask yourself, Am I committed to my goals, to my health, my fitness?  We sabotage our self so often by saying, oh I am on vacation or its just a day.  Those words derail so many.  Don't let it happen to you. #ChoseToCcommit #TeamDreamBelieveSucceed

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